So 3 years or so ago, I started a project, named "A VX Life" Thats its code name, or project name so to speak, its a game, its real name, for the moment is "A Guards Tale" And its a PRG, where you start as a character called "Caliga" A new town guard in a sleepy port town.
I'm not going to talk about the story, because if I do you will have no reason to play it when I release my new demo.
Anyway, its got a lot of unique features that I always wanted to see in other RPG games, and
contains a lot of depth.
The graphics are that of a Snes style like zeldas "A Link ot the past" but better.
The gameplay is dynamic and not soley about batteling, however you can battle or have to in most situatuions and the battle style is that of classic RPGs *Side view turn based*.
Anyway, There are a host of characters, storys, and places to explore, no lvl grinding since equipment and training dictate stats not EXp.
I'll reveal more at a later date, at the moment I'm working through making it more dynamic with some custom systems.
(This is mostly why I have been a bit lazy with my blog updates)