Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Birmingham Adventure. part 4 "meh..."

Its been a hard day, it all started how it was going to go on, badly.

I awoke at 1pm, having gone to sleep at 1:30am, so that is 11 hours and 30 minutes of sleep, I have on average 6-8 hours on a normal day, anymore than 7 and my body starts to drain energy from me to sleep for longer so I had about 4 hours too much sleep, needless to say, I woke up tired, drained and weak**(-30 mood)**.
I had a yogurt for breakfast and another Mocha.
Felt a bit better after that but to be honest I think I was just riding a caffeine and sugar rush.
We left for town, as today was "shopping day".
I put on a vest, a t-shirt and a jumper all underneath my superdry coat (windproof) and donned my snowbording gloves that provide epic cold protection.
We left as Lena had overslept and missed a meting, so we went and did what was needed there.
Shortly after leaving my zip broke, making zipping and unzipping a tedious task **(-10 mood)**
I also forgot my scarf and as a result my head froze solid in the snow and wind, so we headed bck to re-supply with warmer clothing.**(-5 mood)**
Then we left, Lena became ill and as a result we could not explore the town, I was not so bothered b this Id rather she was well.
So we headed to boots to get some medicine, after traipsing around I started to over heat in the shop, a common occurrence to me let alone all padded out with snow wear!**(-10 mood)**
After getting what was needed we headed to the bullring and had a little walk around, then headed out to Tesco and started to food shop, I was in no mood for it, its hard for me at the best of times decide on food let alone do it in a bad mood, anyway we shopped and bought foods, I used £10 but it cost a little more but Lena sweetly offered to cover it, I was in no place to complain, my funds stand at £15, and I still have to buy michelle something for christmas, live and get home and try lasting another week minimum!!
**(-25 mood)**
We got back, it was nice to be in the warm again, I had another mocha and was temporarily in a caffeine high, so I plaid some Yu-gi-oh on the DS. was fun.
Ate some pizza bread, it was really good, I was pretty hungry, then had some rice.
Watched some more Samurai Champloo and a little one piece.
My mood deteriorated, and soon, Lena had picked up on it, so I then got quizzed to my mood, to which I was in little mood to talk about, I know she was just looking out for me but I just can't be happy all the time.
**(-20 mood)**

It's now 1.10am, I'm wide awake, cant do anything as Lena is sleeping, no games no drawing as the light would bother her, and it leaves me little choice but ot write this then go to bed, no doubt wake up at around 10-11 but still... I just need to do SOMETHING!
I hear other active dorms, laughing and joking, and I do understand LEna has a busy day tomorrow so needs her sleep, I guess never realized what having constraints felt like, for the last 3 years the only person I've had to worry about is myself, and I'm good at looking after my own needs alone.
This is probably early teething problems, I just need to adapt better.
Lave a comment if you have a view on this.

Finally I just cooked something to eat (more hungry from boredom) and cooked pasta/cheese/mayo mix that I sometimes have at home when money is stretched.
I somehow managed to make it taste vile, I ate 80% of it just to save wasting but it was horrific all the same, so that was a nice end of the day.**(-30 mood)**

I really hope something lifts me tomorrow, because my mood is effecting Lena :(
TOTAL: -120 mood.

**EDIT: Just spent a hour mulling on the floor as Lena was fast asleep in the middle of the bed, me plus mulling - bad times.

-90 mood.

New total: -210 mood**


Spent the entire night left to mull...
-300 mood

New total: -510


CURRENT FUNDS: £15.75 -£10 (buying food for weekend alone)
CURRENT HP: 130/800


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