So now I'm back I can update more regularly instead of the shambles you people have had to endure.
Anyway, I've realised that if all go's to plan I'm going to be very, very rich by Christmas.
This has been the cause for many daydreams etc, and has driven me further into this direction.
Today I decided I needed to REALLY put my foot down and get my body in shape, which now, with all the other projects going on wiull make my days very hectic indeed!
Starting with monitoring what I eat, my weight, the exercises did and finally chart how each trype of meal and exercise effects my weight.
Dr. Nakamats Recieved a Nobel prize for taking pictures of every meal he ate as well as blood tests before and after each meal, for a massive 36 years and counting!
He sleeps 4 hours a day, and only eats one meal a day, he is in his 80's and apparently very fit!
So, I ask you is it possible that we eat too much in proportion to what we do?
Japan's life expectancy is the highest in the world, also has one of the highest suicide rates, as well as a falling population.
Japan thinks its in trouble, falling population and peoples sex drives at an all time low, however, this is my opinion: When you look at the population of Tokyo (12 million) added with its density, is it not a good thing that the population is dwindling, if the population lessens to 7 million the amount of house space could go up and house prices go down, the quality of life would also rise and unemployment would go down, with all these factors its likely that the lifestyle change might lessen the suicide rate and increase the countries sex drive!
So I'm not so sure this dwindling population thing is really an issue, maybe its natures way of peacefully culling.
Anyway that tangent over, I'm feeling great, had my fire fighter numbers exam re-sit which I know I hammered this time. I also DDR'd REALLY hard, made myself feel sick and almost pass out, today's weight -5 pounds!
Its an unhealthy amount to lose in a day, granted, but it will slow down.
Now, its time to relax (its a weekend, I plan to only do light exercise and small amounts of work) kick back, and plan and chart everything.
Anyway I want to end with a question: "What do you think is the greatest power we have? a power that not only gets you rich in money but also in life?"
I'll post what I think is the answer tomorrow!
Until then peace out, you beautiful, beautiful readers.

Love the meme pic at the end, the sims was totally a reflection of real life.
ReplyDeleteThe power we have is free will, the will to improve ourselves. Sadly our kryptonite is laziness & fear, a force some times stronger than free will.