I've been so busy I completely forgot my commitment to update this blog, and forgot who I was and wanted to be.
Each time I got closer to a goal the posts seemed to move away and create new ones!
It's unsurprising really these kinds of transitions, no, evolution, cannot happen smoothly.
Projects status:
"Asphalt Wave" 29.21% Rank (Two Star Rank)
"A Guards Tale" 37%
There is a new project, its a system of living I'm developing that will maximize my productivity while rewarding success and giving breathing space, a sleeping pattern, a Diet and exercise plan.
BASICALLY its a Life schedule.
Then there is the final project I'll be taking here in the UK.
Its name is of no relevance to the projects details, sadly only one other person knows the details of this project, and until its completion, it will be much like "Asphalt Wave" in secrecy.
"Why Write about it then Kiko?" I hear you say.
Well Its more for my sake then the readers, lets me know progress and just how well I'm doing.
Boss Project "Soltis" 3.00%
Needless to say, if this all works, I'll be a new person, maybe a better one or worse, but as I am, I'm not enough to supply me the life I know I'm going to have.
Elements from my past self (Before head injury) need to be brought back in moderation.
I have finally, after months, acquired the first step, and that was the mindset, without developing that I would have no chance of evolution.
I'm not going to be Stingy with all my knowledge, for example the life plan will be explained in depth, and as a NEW PLEDGE, I'll be Video Blogging the whole process, which will be uploaded at LEAST once a week.

Ok Viewers sorry for the wait, but I'm BACK!!
you beautiful, beautiful readers!
This happened the other night at my friend's house!!! I spoke with a posh accent whilst drinking Cola from a wine glass.
ReplyDeleteScrew that i might do that when i have clean glasses