see more Engrish
Hello, It's me, bet you was not expecting me to actually start posting on this blog daily again, but I'm trying, maybe not as long winded as my last post but surly a step in the right direction!
I've been working all day on project "Asphalt Wave" its actually starting to take shape, however all my energy seems to have been sapped, I have to just grind through the fatigue and work towards creating a better life for myself.
I miss my girlfriend, sappy as it sounds but its true, not sure if its just a hyper extension of my fatigue effecting my moods or whatever but that is just the way it is.
With the success of this project one of the more exciting avenues unlocked will not only be the options available to me with wealth but the ability to take my work on the move and make frequent short visits to see her, this is another large driving factor to my moral.
Another thing worth noting, is the amount of rage I'm starting to feel towards my chair, as some might know, my long serving PC chair exploded in a blaze of glory a few days ago, its failed assassination attempt left me with the option of a wooden chair used for our dining table, its horrific to sit on, if I add cushions its hard to actually not slide off it without them it feels like your sitting on the road.
So every now and then I get reminded how sine breaking it is and it causes me to want to obliterate it across my wall... however doing so would mean I'd have to stand.
So Today has been productive, I'll probably go for a run later tonight to get some sort of exercise, watch some more of season 6 of lost and finally maybe play some fallout 3 to relax... could really use a Jager bomb :(
So another update, I'm listing to Drum and bass and chilled out dubstep while working, it seems to help me concentrate and forget about other things.
Anyway, Lets hope tonight goes ok, going to have to skype a few people to try and not feel lonely, as sitting here in front of my two screens can be a very desolate place indeed.
Peace you beautiful readers!!
I want bubble tea now, long urge to suck on those sweet sweet balls.