see more There I Fixed It
Today I woke up late, around 11:50am ish, was too warm and comfy to move so I decided to stay for a bit before logging onto this PC and skyping.
Then at 1pm, Had a delicious roast dinner at my parents house, I loved it the potatoes I helped plant were delicious/"out of this world awesome" and managed to eat everything with that feeling of completeness without that feeling of overeating.
FINALLY I was reunited with my mountain bike I named "the mizasuke 6" and biked back home, probably burnt the meal off from just that, but then once I got home I had the urge to DDR, so headed down and tried again, for the second day, to complete a new challenge course I found on there called "World Tour" Its nine songs back to back, with a battery life (Meaning 3 mistakes = a fail, you get a maximum of two replenished upon finishing a stage).
I could not do it today, however got to the fourth stage, so almost halfway, but was too tired from the numinous attempts before it to concentrate well.
To end the session on a high, as my last song which was an Extra stage (Gained by scoring a AA or higher on your last stage) I picked Paranoia Survivor, now Extra stages are different, for a start your stuck with a 1.5 times speed modification on, and also, its in reverse, and to finally make it worse its on no recover (Meaning that if you miss a step your life depletes a little but will never increase again).
I passed Paranoia Survivor on 1.5 reverse no recover... I picked it as my grave, and I punched that grave into the stratosphere!!
Then I went home, Skyped some more, had a small fry up for dinner (needed the energy after intense DDR) finally finished up with a nice cap nap, played a little Fallout 3 and right now, as I write this, I'm buffering Episode 172 of One piece and watching it with the glorious other half :3
So, Might hit up some more games later after one piece, but just thought I'd break down my day.
Tomorrow is WORK MODE, so best have some moral boosters prepared for the morning, Peace you beautiful readers!
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