Something for you to listen too if you prefer having BG noise when reading (I do most of the time)
Ok here we go!!
Well anyway as your aware I'm still in Birmingham, I've been here a while now staying with my girlfriend Lena, anyway the lack of posts have been largely due to my lack of things to write about, I've not really done very much, mostly sleeping and watching One Piece, now up to Episode 311...
I just did a light workout, I was in for a big surprise, recently I thought I was getting too bulky so decided to work on cardio vascular.
Anyway I've grown weak in strength, had a hard time, so when I get back home I will strike a balance of both muscular and cardio workouts.
Got more to write but cant be bothered at this moment so I'll update late tonight! :D
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Birmingham Adventure. part 4 "meh..."
Its been a hard day, it all started how it was going to go on, badly.
I awoke at 1pm, having gone to sleep at 1:30am, so that is 11 hours and 30 minutes of sleep, I have on average 6-8 hours on a normal day, anymore than 7 and my body starts to drain energy from me to sleep for longer so I had about 4 hours too much sleep, needless to say, I woke up tired, drained and weak**(-30 mood)**.
I had a yogurt for breakfast and another Mocha.
Felt a bit better after that but to be honest I think I was just riding a caffeine and sugar rush.
We left for town, as today was "shopping day".
I put on a vest, a t-shirt and a jumper all underneath my superdry coat (windproof) and donned my snowbording gloves that provide epic cold protection.
We left as Lena had overslept and missed a meting, so we went and did what was needed there.
Shortly after leaving my zip broke, making zipping and unzipping a tedious task **(-10 mood)**
I also forgot my scarf and as a result my head froze solid in the snow and wind, so we headed bck to re-supply with warmer clothing.**(-5 mood)**
Then we left, Lena became ill and as a result we could not explore the town, I was not so bothered b this Id rather she was well.
So we headed to boots to get some medicine, after traipsing around I started to over heat in the shop, a common occurrence to me let alone all padded out with snow wear!**(-10 mood)**
After getting what was needed we headed to the bullring and had a little walk around, then headed out to Tesco and started to food shop, I was in no mood for it, its hard for me at the best of times decide on food let alone do it in a bad mood, anyway we shopped and bought foods, I used £10 but it cost a little more but Lena sweetly offered to cover it, I was in no place to complain, my funds stand at £15, and I still have to buy michelle something for christmas, live and get home and try lasting another week minimum!!
**(-25 mood)**
We got back, it was nice to be in the warm again, I had another mocha and was temporarily in a caffeine high, so I plaid some Yu-gi-oh on the DS. was fun.
Ate some pizza bread, it was really good, I was pretty hungry, then had some rice.
Watched some more Samurai Champloo and a little one piece.
My mood deteriorated, and soon, Lena had picked up on it, so I then got quizzed to my mood, to which I was in little mood to talk about, I know she was just looking out for me but I just can't be happy all the time.
**(-20 mood)**
It's now 1.10am, I'm wide awake, cant do anything as Lena is sleeping, no games no drawing as the light would bother her, and it leaves me little choice but ot write this then go to bed, no doubt wake up at around 10-11 but still... I just need to do SOMETHING!
I hear other active dorms, laughing and joking, and I do understand LEna has a busy day tomorrow so needs her sleep, I guess never realized what having constraints felt like, for the last 3 years the only person I've had to worry about is myself, and I'm good at looking after my own needs alone.
This is probably early teething problems, I just need to adapt better.
Lave a comment if you have a view on this.
Finally I just cooked something to eat (more hungry from boredom) and cooked pasta/cheese/mayo mix that I sometimes have at home when money is stretched.
I somehow managed to make it taste vile, I ate 80% of it just to save wasting but it was horrific all the same, so that was a nice end of the day.**(-30 mood)**
I really hope something lifts me tomorrow, because my mood is effecting Lena :(
TOTAL: -120 mood.
**EDIT: Just spent a hour mulling on the floor as Lena was fast asleep in the middle of the bed, me plus mulling - bad times.
-90 mood.
New total: -210 mood**
Spent the entire night left to mull...
-300 mood
New total: -510
CURRENT FUNDS: £15.75 -£10 (buying food for weekend alone)
CURRENT HP: 130/800
I awoke at 1pm, having gone to sleep at 1:30am, so that is 11 hours and 30 minutes of sleep, I have on average 6-8 hours on a normal day, anymore than 7 and my body starts to drain energy from me to sleep for longer so I had about 4 hours too much sleep, needless to say, I woke up tired, drained and weak**(-30 mood)**.
I had a yogurt for breakfast and another Mocha.
Felt a bit better after that but to be honest I think I was just riding a caffeine and sugar rush.
We left for town, as today was "shopping day".
I put on a vest, a t-shirt and a jumper all underneath my superdry coat (windproof) and donned my snowbording gloves that provide epic cold protection.
We left as Lena had overslept and missed a meting, so we went and did what was needed there.
Shortly after leaving my zip broke, making zipping and unzipping a tedious task **(-10 mood)**
I also forgot my scarf and as a result my head froze solid in the snow and wind, so we headed bck to re-supply with warmer clothing.**(-5 mood)**
Then we left, Lena became ill and as a result we could not explore the town, I was not so bothered b this Id rather she was well.
So we headed to boots to get some medicine, after traipsing around I started to over heat in the shop, a common occurrence to me let alone all padded out with snow wear!**(-10 mood)**
After getting what was needed we headed to the bullring and had a little walk around, then headed out to Tesco and started to food shop, I was in no mood for it, its hard for me at the best of times decide on food let alone do it in a bad mood, anyway we shopped and bought foods, I used £10 but it cost a little more but Lena sweetly offered to cover it, I was in no place to complain, my funds stand at £15, and I still have to buy michelle something for christmas, live and get home and try lasting another week minimum!!
**(-25 mood)**
We got back, it was nice to be in the warm again, I had another mocha and was temporarily in a caffeine high, so I plaid some Yu-gi-oh on the DS. was fun.
Ate some pizza bread, it was really good, I was pretty hungry, then had some rice.
Watched some more Samurai Champloo and a little one piece.
My mood deteriorated, and soon, Lena had picked up on it, so I then got quizzed to my mood, to which I was in little mood to talk about, I know she was just looking out for me but I just can't be happy all the time.
**(-20 mood)**
It's now 1.10am, I'm wide awake, cant do anything as Lena is sleeping, no games no drawing as the light would bother her, and it leaves me little choice but ot write this then go to bed, no doubt wake up at around 10-11 but still... I just need to do SOMETHING!
I hear other active dorms, laughing and joking, and I do understand LEna has a busy day tomorrow so needs her sleep, I guess never realized what having constraints felt like, for the last 3 years the only person I've had to worry about is myself, and I'm good at looking after my own needs alone.
This is probably early teething problems, I just need to adapt better.
Lave a comment if you have a view on this.
Finally I just cooked something to eat (more hungry from boredom) and cooked pasta/cheese/mayo mix that I sometimes have at home when money is stretched.
I somehow managed to make it taste vile, I ate 80% of it just to save wasting but it was horrific all the same, so that was a nice end of the day.**(-30 mood)**
I really hope something lifts me tomorrow, because my mood is effecting Lena :(
TOTAL: -120 mood.
**EDIT: Just spent a hour mulling on the floor as Lena was fast asleep in the middle of the bed, me plus mulling - bad times.
-90 mood.
New total: -210 mood**
Spent the entire night left to mull...
-300 mood
New total: -510
CURRENT FUNDS: £15.75 -£10 (buying food for weekend alone)
CURRENT HP: 130/800
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Birmingham Adventure. part 3
After my brief update this morning/afternoon we left the dorm room finally and went to the Birmingham christmas german market, walked around the massive amount of stalls, looking at the wares and eating a LOT of stall food.
Deep fried mozzarella sticks
Chicken wings
Big german sausage thing in a roll
Hot chocolate with amaretto
Raspberry cider (hot)
profitta rolls like thing (dough balls covered with vanilla sauce and cinnamon)
Was delicious!! :D
Damaged the funds but I figured its one night, it was nice to spend some time with Lena and explore the markets, only bad thing was the temperature, it was fucking cold! D:
Too much in a weird mood to type more, peace!
CURRENT FUNDS: £25.75 -£10 (german world arc)
CURRENT HP: 536/800
Deep fried mozzarella sticks
Chicken wings
Big german sausage thing in a roll
Hot chocolate with amaretto
Raspberry cider (hot)
profitta rolls like thing (dough balls covered with vanilla sauce and cinnamon)
Was delicious!! :D
Damaged the funds but I figured its one night, it was nice to spend some time with Lena and explore the markets, only bad thing was the temperature, it was fucking cold! D:
Too much in a weird mood to type more, peace!
CURRENT FUNDS: £25.75 -£10 (german world arc)
CURRENT HP: 536/800
Birmingham Adventure. (UPDATE)
Woke, had breakfast, chatted to a few more of this flats students, drank another Mocha.
Lena's gone until 4pm, and I do not have a swipe card, so I can't leave.
I'm thinking of things to do...
Will post full post later tonight, just thought I'd update :D
CURRENT HP: 702/800
Lena's gone until 4pm, and I do not have a swipe card, so I can't leave.
I'm thinking of things to do...
Will post full post later tonight, just thought I'd update :D
CURRENT HP: 702/800
Monday, 29 November 2010
Birmingham Adventure.
I left for birmingham, full of aspiration and wonder, thinking about the place I see so often on webcam, Lena's dorm room.
After a rushed sunday roast dinner with the parents, I left Warham and drove home, my mother met me there and drove both me and Lena to the bus in waiting at Fakenham.
The weather was cold, I even wore a coat.
Pretty much the whole bus journey I was blessed with sleep, so for me the journey seemed like only 15 minutes long, when in fact it was more like a hour and a half, that journey is soul destroying.
Then from there, we gained a party member in the form of an old lady wanting to also go to the train station in Norwich! so I said she could tag along, on the way to the train station I made notice of the various new strip clubs much to the ladies amusement, funny thing was I was mostly serous about liking to visit them hahaha!
At the train station we had a chance to sit down, I broke the chain off my travel good luck charm, and realized it was an omen, there were police everywhere in the station and dogs securing off an area.
As we left for our train we got stopped in a large crowd trying to get to the platform, the police would not let us past, then came the reason, ipswich football fans flooded the platform we needed, and the opposite platform was the native team of Norwich city, there was things being thrown and in between both rivals were a small group of passengers, including me and Lena.
Then the police had to get out their truncheons and hold back the Norwich fans who were starting to become out of control, I stood and mealy observed while Lena got increasingly frustrated and panicky.
After the train for the ipswich supporters left, we boarded a train to Manchester and got off at peterborough and waited for about 30 mins for a train to colshill park where on arrival we got a bus to Birmingham new street.
Woke up at 6am, but left the bed at 1pm as there was little else to do, then this evening decided to get acclimatized and go exploring in birmingham center.
Needless to say, I Got epic lost and ended up with 2 potatoes, some weird mineral water, and a present for Lena, mixed melon salad.
CURRENT HP: 655/800
After a rushed sunday roast dinner with the parents, I left Warham and drove home, my mother met me there and drove both me and Lena to the bus in waiting at Fakenham.
The weather was cold, I even wore a coat.
Pretty much the whole bus journey I was blessed with sleep, so for me the journey seemed like only 15 minutes long, when in fact it was more like a hour and a half, that journey is soul destroying.
Then from there, we gained a party member in the form of an old lady wanting to also go to the train station in Norwich! so I said she could tag along, on the way to the train station I made notice of the various new strip clubs much to the ladies amusement, funny thing was I was mostly serous about liking to visit them hahaha!
At the train station we had a chance to sit down, I broke the chain off my travel good luck charm, and realized it was an omen, there were police everywhere in the station and dogs securing off an area.
As we left for our train we got stopped in a large crowd trying to get to the platform, the police would not let us past, then came the reason, ipswich football fans flooded the platform we needed, and the opposite platform was the native team of Norwich city, there was things being thrown and in between both rivals were a small group of passengers, including me and Lena.
Then the police had to get out their truncheons and hold back the Norwich fans who were starting to become out of control, I stood and mealy observed while Lena got increasingly frustrated and panicky.
After the train for the ipswich supporters left, we boarded a train to Manchester and got off at peterborough and waited for about 30 mins for a train to colshill park where on arrival we got a bus to Birmingham new street.
Woke up at 6am, but left the bed at 1pm as there was little else to do, then this evening decided to get acclimatized and go exploring in birmingham center.
Needless to say, I Got epic lost and ended up with 2 potatoes, some weird mineral water, and a present for Lena, mixed melon salad.
CURRENT HP: 655/800
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Current status:
Ok, Project Asphalt wave is still at 27.19% it will go up when I do the proper work and reading towards the projects mid term sections.
On a better note, "A Guards Tale", my game in development, has undergone a complete overhaul, so much has changed since I first began this project 3-4 years ago.
I have developed, finally, a dynamic introduction that not only sets the scene, but has cleverly interwoven characters and a set up much like that used in cinematography we see in todays films, no more are their pointless anime style, generic opening sequences, this game is my pride and joy, and as a result deserves nothing but the finest storytelling and effort to detail!
So this week I've re-directed and created a new intro, worked into and developed more system and database stuffs, so all in all Awesome progress there!!
Also learned to relaxe with the X-box 360, as I barley play it :D
On a better note, "A Guards Tale", my game in development, has undergone a complete overhaul, so much has changed since I first began this project 3-4 years ago.
I have developed, finally, a dynamic introduction that not only sets the scene, but has cleverly interwoven characters and a set up much like that used in cinematography we see in todays films, no more are their pointless anime style, generic opening sequences, this game is my pride and joy, and as a result deserves nothing but the finest storytelling and effort to detail!
So this week I've re-directed and created a new intro, worked into and developed more system and database stuffs, so all in all Awesome progress there!!
Also learned to relaxe with the X-box 360, as I barley play it :D
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Just cant function still, feel like my energy is sapped away, too tired to work, to productive to relax or sleep.
Going to work on my side business's website some more, since I actually have permission to use an amazing image for my site I'd be a fool to pass it down and not use it.
I want to get back into working on my game as well, its been a while since I last did anything, even if its just a bit of database work it would still be better than doing nothing, and I'm in a position to start rolling out the story.
I guess I need to sit down and work out the details in the plot and the way the character will follow it, also what connections the various party members will have to the story.
Project "Asphalt Wave" is at 27.19% and I need to get some income before its completion, so its time to start rolling out my Design business just to gain some capital before the main project is finished.
Peace you beautiful people!!
Going to work on my side business's website some more, since I actually have permission to use an amazing image for my site I'd be a fool to pass it down and not use it.
I want to get back into working on my game as well, its been a while since I last did anything, even if its just a bit of database work it would still be better than doing nothing, and I'm in a position to start rolling out the story.
I guess I need to sit down and work out the details in the plot and the way the character will follow it, also what connections the various party members will have to the story.
Project "Asphalt Wave" is at 27.19% and I need to get some income before its completion, so its time to start rolling out my Design business just to gain some capital before the main project is finished.
Peace you beautiful people!!
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Nerf N-Strike Stampede
OMG I Really want one of these, I've always wanted a nerf gun, but never saw one that grabbed my eye or fitted my style, ideally I'd like a revolver that looked like one, but second choice would be a fat machine gun, and having the ability to atach stuff on like a shield and to be able to customize the gun is very appealing to me, I preffer these to BB guns as these cause no pain and can be a great laugh!
I'm considering buying one of these some point soon, think its a good idea? Comment below!
OMG I Really want one of these, I've always wanted a nerf gun, but never saw one that grabbed my eye or fitted my style, ideally I'd like a revolver that looked like one, but second choice would be a fat machine gun, and having the ability to atach stuff on like a shield and to be able to customize the gun is very appealing to me, I preffer these to BB guns as these cause no pain and can be a great laugh!
I'm considering buying one of these some point soon, think its a good idea? Comment below!
Monday, 8 November 2010
A productive day is not always blessed with good day.
Woke up late, Had to work through some economics's junk, and work out a process I'm no good at, day started off good but as it progressed it got worse and worse.
So far, everything I've predicted has happened.
I hope tomorrow starts to yield something more.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Sunday, funday, food day, hurray.

see more There I Fixed It
Today I woke up late, around 11:50am ish, was too warm and comfy to move so I decided to stay for a bit before logging onto this PC and skyping.
Then at 1pm, Had a delicious roast dinner at my parents house, I loved it the potatoes I helped plant were delicious/"out of this world awesome" and managed to eat everything with that feeling of completeness without that feeling of overeating.
FINALLY I was reunited with my mountain bike I named "the mizasuke 6" and biked back home, probably burnt the meal off from just that, but then once I got home I had the urge to DDR, so headed down and tried again, for the second day, to complete a new challenge course I found on there called "World Tour" Its nine songs back to back, with a battery life (Meaning 3 mistakes = a fail, you get a maximum of two replenished upon finishing a stage).
I could not do it today, however got to the fourth stage, so almost halfway, but was too tired from the numinous attempts before it to concentrate well.
To end the session on a high, as my last song which was an Extra stage (Gained by scoring a AA or higher on your last stage) I picked Paranoia Survivor, now Extra stages are different, for a start your stuck with a 1.5 times speed modification on, and also, its in reverse, and to finally make it worse its on no recover (Meaning that if you miss a step your life depletes a little but will never increase again).
I passed Paranoia Survivor on 1.5 reverse no recover... I picked it as my grave, and I punched that grave into the stratosphere!!
Then I went home, Skyped some more, had a small fry up for dinner (needed the energy after intense DDR) finally finished up with a nice cap nap, played a little Fallout 3 and right now, as I write this, I'm buffering Episode 172 of One piece and watching it with the glorious other half :3
So, Might hit up some more games later after one piece, but just thought I'd break down my day.
Tomorrow is WORK MODE, so best have some moral boosters prepared for the morning, Peace you beautiful readers!
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Terra is hot.
Saturday...What happened to you? (Asphalt Wave 18.70%)
Ok, I noticed something today, what happened to Saturday?
When I was younger Saturday was THE day, you know that one day a week where you knew you had a ton of fun exciting things to do etc!
From what I remember my day used to go like this:
Wake up at around 8-8:30am Watch ITV and most importantly watch Pokemon, then after that, I guess I'd head out, meet up with friends or visit friends houses, hang out all day playing video games or just go outside and build bases etc.
Then in the evening play some more games, maybe train some Pokemon or go on the Amiga etc, then at around 9-10pm go to sleep, I remember as a kid not ever waking up feeling bleh, and I remember not ever laying in bed trying to sleep it was automatic.
I remember something else too, I never used to like laying in bed, as soon as I was awake I'd spring from the bed and start my day!
Today's life:
Wake up at around 10-10:30am, Turn on PC and throw on a shirt and some underwear, sit at PC desk and check FB etc, then have a shower and SOMETIMES make something for breakfast, On some days I'll then remain in that spot in front of my PC working, or I'll put clothes on and go have a cup of tea at a shop and then come back and work.
Later in the day I might go and DDR or have a run, and, or Wii fit.
Then in the evening I'll be Skyping to my Girlfriend and either working or playing some fallout 3 OR making my game some more.
Basically, from the moment I wake, I'm a slave to this PC, and my uncomfortable chair, its no wonder why I sometimes get a little low, I have no social interaction, internet based social interactions are just fake, so I think the main reason life is where it is for me is the lack of decent friends that live close and actually want to spend time with you, and that's not anyone's fault its just because that when your young, you don't have to work, and thus your free time is any time of the day.
So, to enhance my life, I need various things to equate a better life:
1# Something Retro to watch in the mornings, even pokemon would do, but I have no Sky TV so I'll have to watch online.
2# Make time and arrange to meet up with some of my friends or even just visit parents, anything for real social interaction.
3# Wake up earlier and sleep before 1am
4# Designate time in the day for "me".
5# Either get a laptop or spend less time in my workspace.
It will be interesting to see how things go...
Just thought I'd analyse "Saturdays" Today.
Peace, you beautiful readers!!
Ok, I noticed something today, what happened to Saturday?
When I was younger Saturday was THE day, you know that one day a week where you knew you had a ton of fun exciting things to do etc!
From what I remember my day used to go like this:
Wake up at around 8-8:30am Watch ITV and most importantly watch Pokemon, then after that, I guess I'd head out, meet up with friends or visit friends houses, hang out all day playing video games or just go outside and build bases etc.
Then in the evening play some more games, maybe train some Pokemon or go on the Amiga etc, then at around 9-10pm go to sleep, I remember as a kid not ever waking up feeling bleh, and I remember not ever laying in bed trying to sleep it was automatic.
I remember something else too, I never used to like laying in bed, as soon as I was awake I'd spring from the bed and start my day!
Today's life:
Wake up at around 10-10:30am, Turn on PC and throw on a shirt and some underwear, sit at PC desk and check FB etc, then have a shower and SOMETIMES make something for breakfast, On some days I'll then remain in that spot in front of my PC working, or I'll put clothes on and go have a cup of tea at a shop and then come back and work.
Later in the day I might go and DDR or have a run, and, or Wii fit.
Then in the evening I'll be Skyping to my Girlfriend and either working or playing some fallout 3 OR making my game some more.
Basically, from the moment I wake, I'm a slave to this PC, and my uncomfortable chair, its no wonder why I sometimes get a little low, I have no social interaction, internet based social interactions are just fake, so I think the main reason life is where it is for me is the lack of decent friends that live close and actually want to spend time with you, and that's not anyone's fault its just because that when your young, you don't have to work, and thus your free time is any time of the day.
So, to enhance my life, I need various things to equate a better life:
1# Something Retro to watch in the mornings, even pokemon would do, but I have no Sky TV so I'll have to watch online.
2# Make time and arrange to meet up with some of my friends or even just visit parents, anything for real social interaction.
3# Wake up earlier and sleep before 1am
4# Designate time in the day for "me".
5# Either get a laptop or spend less time in my workspace.
It will be interesting to see how things go...
Just thought I'd analyse "Saturdays" Today.
Peace, you beautiful readers!!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Thursday Feelings... (Project "Asphalt wave" at 14.87%)

see more Engrish
Good day to you people, Its Thursday the fourth of November, meaning tomorrow is in fact one of the greatest days of the year; Bomb-fire night (I feel I have misspelt that)!!
Anyway Fireworks have been a long custom for me, each year testing the limits of my stupidity, last year I created a Firework rocket launcher which was amazing fun!
Anyway I love that who nostalgic smell of the sulphurous aftermath, the fires, people in warm clothing and of course the humble sparklers.
This Friday will be a little different, going out to See an old band I used to love in my younger years, called "Less than Jake" Me and Dale (another old friend) will be there in Norwich to see them, I must admit I'm somewhat apprehensive to go, I'll have to drive, meaning no drinking, and of course I know full well I'll be standing there watching with a lemonade or something strapped to my hand thinking why am I here! But I promised Dale I'd go, and I may be a lot of things but I never break a promise or my word for that matter.
Maybe I'll have a photo or two to upload on the Saturday, who knows!
Thursdays are weird, a lot of people consider them to be depressing as the weekend is within grasp but there is a wait.
I tend to enjoy Thursdays as its the one day of the week I know there will be a strong chance that some of my friends will be out having a few drinks at the back of the pub (I live above a pub) and its nice to get some social interaction at least once a week.
Since Starting "Asphalt wave" I've noticed how much of a recluse its forcing me to be, but its a needed, I need to get this right and it will flying kick me into my future, so a little sacrifice is worthwhile.
At this moment, its 1:03pm, I'm a little hungry as I've not yet eaten, so maybe its why I'm a little lethargic.
After this I'm going to head out, grab a few bites to eat, and come back with a better work mood, listen to music and achieve today's mile stone.
Ok people, time to get back to the grind stone, and trust me its a GRIND!
Peace!! :D
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Another life in the haze, of the days, of a myth.

see more Engrish
Hello, It's me, bet you was not expecting me to actually start posting on this blog daily again, but I'm trying, maybe not as long winded as my last post but surly a step in the right direction!
I've been working all day on project "Asphalt Wave" its actually starting to take shape, however all my energy seems to have been sapped, I have to just grind through the fatigue and work towards creating a better life for myself.
I miss my girlfriend, sappy as it sounds but its true, not sure if its just a hyper extension of my fatigue effecting my moods or whatever but that is just the way it is.
With the success of this project one of the more exciting avenues unlocked will not only be the options available to me with wealth but the ability to take my work on the move and make frequent short visits to see her, this is another large driving factor to my moral.
Another thing worth noting, is the amount of rage I'm starting to feel towards my chair, as some might know, my long serving PC chair exploded in a blaze of glory a few days ago, its failed assassination attempt left me with the option of a wooden chair used for our dining table, its horrific to sit on, if I add cushions its hard to actually not slide off it without them it feels like your sitting on the road.
So every now and then I get reminded how sine breaking it is and it causes me to want to obliterate it across my wall... however doing so would mean I'd have to stand.
So Today has been productive, I'll probably go for a run later tonight to get some sort of exercise, watch some more of season 6 of lost and finally maybe play some fallout 3 to relax... could really use a Jager bomb :(
So another update, I'm listing to Drum and bass and chilled out dubstep while working, it seems to help me concentrate and forget about other things.
Anyway, Lets hope tonight goes ok, going to have to skype a few people to try and not feel lonely, as sitting here in front of my two screens can be a very desolate place indeed.
Peace you beautiful readers!!
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
A glorious plan.
Hello people, as of late I've been a but hectic, life has been throwing one problem after another at me and I'm sort of finally crawling out of the whole left from all these events.
I've, for a long time now wanted to create my design business which focused on graphic art and web design, after a a lot of testing and planning it has become apparent that web design is the main area all clients are interested in, this was originally great, but with my partner (and coder) having acquired a new job in Norwich I was reluctant to push web design as I cannot fully rely on that person any more, I'm grateful for all the help he had offered me during the setting up stages and initial Alpha clients.
I'm also happy that his life is starting to take more direction, I was at first distraught, I thought that after all this, what I had done was for nothing as without the web design I could never make much money, and that is what a business is, making money.
I thought about just being a sole graphic design company, and was implementing various ways that I could launch as successful as planned. But in this area the jobs would be too sparse to define the lifestyle I now wish to live.
I spent a great deal of time thinking, panicking; thinking what am I going to do now?
Also spent a lot of time playing video games and fitness just to try not think about the decisions and choices that I would have to make, and decide what life I was going to have.
I'd think back to all the people that still live in this town, that lost look they have when wandering the street and sitting on the quay wall looking upon the infinite horizon.
Maybe this town harbours more regrets than I initially thought, maybe this place was not the oasis I always thought it to be, but more like a pretty cage with a dark past.
There is a stark contrast held into one place here, you have the spring and summer, which is glorious and I can think of few places I'd rather be on a nice day than exploring the pine-woods and feeling that sea breeze stroking your face, or the warm sand seeping between your toes, life in the summer is slow and relaxing, but when autumn and winter comes it becomes different, the rains are long and relentless, the temperature always cold and the people always lifeless.
I'd watch the elderly pacing the street on a Thursday, filling out their routine of shopping and chatting with friends, but something looks wrong, there are few smiles, there is no atmosphere.
A few weeks back I sat on the edge of the quay and drank a bottle of wine in the howling wind and high tide, just thinking, and looking to the sea for answers, normally I get a message or a feeling that puts me back on track, but this time, the sea seemed empty, soulless, like the people that live here.
You have others of course, suffering the same fate, they walk to the pubs on a weekend, trying to replicate the feelings of summers fun and drinking the problems under the mat, each week complaining about the lack of anything happening, but still each week, like a ritual returning in hope for that one feeling, however they are misguided, this feeling they are chasing cannot be masked with alcohol, its a rouse for what is in fact a carefree lifestyle, the drink is only an inhibitor for their emotions forcing them to feel somewhat nostalgic and relate it to better times.
Truth is, all these people are unhappy and unfulfilled, the life they live, day in day out same thing, working hard for little money, living a life void of adventure or accomplishment, but rather more one of repetition and routine.
To sit and complain is the first stage of the "wells syndrome" as I've now called it, the next stage is to try and delude yourself that there is no other alternative.
See the mian problem with this place is that its not bad, and that is he trick, yes times can be bad but when the weather changes, all the in-ambitions and all the sadness of a routine life fade away behind the beaming sun, great weather and visual beauty, where as in a city when people get this feeling mostly they will either stay or just move away, but from wells there is something else, some tie to each person.
To try and describe it would be difficult but the closest thing I could make comparison to would be like that the town has threads attached to each person, you can try and leave but the treads always pull you back, you feel like your at home.
And when you have that safety its hard to break the ties unless you have a strong will.
The crime rate is very low, murder is unheard of here, and car crashes and fatal accidents are rare, the place is forgiving, and there is work around (granted not great career prospects) but you can live a slow and relaxed lifestyle here.
Anyway, this place has been for a long time a place in which I found myself in admiration of, its scenery is beautiful and lifestyle is relaxed, until recently...
I ventured out to the London expo, it was looking like I could not attend but through various lucky coincidences I managed to attend, now for those unsure EXPO is a Japanese animation and book convention, I don't read any Manga really any-more and only watch one Anime (One piece) but I go to see old friends, and catch up.
30,000 people attended this expo, needless to say it was packed full and I'd never seen so many people, I hung out with friends and spent a lot of quality time with my girlfriend who was amazing for me.
We stayed at a friends new flat in London, I was standing on his balcony which overlooks the 02 Arena, its a breathtaking view of tranquillity right next to canary wharf.
I stood and thought about what life I would like to lead, and stood thinking about if it was time to think about moving away from Wells and start living a life I want.
I got offered an opportunity, I could go and get a decent job in I.T. and live in an almost exact flat with the same view.
It was a big thing to think about, I was unsure if I could meet the criteria of the work and moving away right his second just felt strange.
It played with my brain for a bit, and then, after an amazing weekend, I returned home.
Then, another weird thing happened and I was talking to a very old friend, who has helped me set up "Project Asphalt Wave", If this project is successful I could have a vast amount of wealth in a very short period of time, and what's stranger is that I know that I can make this work.
So I've started working on it, and if all goes to plan, I can start travelling soon, and make a killing while I'm still travelling and probably afford a property too.
This is all speculation of course, and I will only know by giving it a try, so I'm going to, for the sake of wanting a better life, give this everything I've got, and if that fails I have the London job as a fall back plan, I just hope I can get this to work...
I thought I'd write a genuine post for once, honest, and clear.
Hope this post is worthy of the wait its been since my last post.
Peace you beautiful people!!
I've, for a long time now wanted to create my design business which focused on graphic art and web design, after a a lot of testing and planning it has become apparent that web design is the main area all clients are interested in, this was originally great, but with my partner (and coder) having acquired a new job in Norwich I was reluctant to push web design as I cannot fully rely on that person any more, I'm grateful for all the help he had offered me during the setting up stages and initial Alpha clients.
I'm also happy that his life is starting to take more direction, I was at first distraught, I thought that after all this, what I had done was for nothing as without the web design I could never make much money, and that is what a business is, making money.
I thought about just being a sole graphic design company, and was implementing various ways that I could launch as successful as planned. But in this area the jobs would be too sparse to define the lifestyle I now wish to live.
I spent a great deal of time thinking, panicking; thinking what am I going to do now?
Also spent a lot of time playing video games and fitness just to try not think about the decisions and choices that I would have to make, and decide what life I was going to have.
I'd think back to all the people that still live in this town, that lost look they have when wandering the street and sitting on the quay wall looking upon the infinite horizon.
Maybe this town harbours more regrets than I initially thought, maybe this place was not the oasis I always thought it to be, but more like a pretty cage with a dark past.
There is a stark contrast held into one place here, you have the spring and summer, which is glorious and I can think of few places I'd rather be on a nice day than exploring the pine-woods and feeling that sea breeze stroking your face, or the warm sand seeping between your toes, life in the summer is slow and relaxing, but when autumn and winter comes it becomes different, the rains are long and relentless, the temperature always cold and the people always lifeless.
I'd watch the elderly pacing the street on a Thursday, filling out their routine of shopping and chatting with friends, but something looks wrong, there are few smiles, there is no atmosphere.
A few weeks back I sat on the edge of the quay and drank a bottle of wine in the howling wind and high tide, just thinking, and looking to the sea for answers, normally I get a message or a feeling that puts me back on track, but this time, the sea seemed empty, soulless, like the people that live here.
You have others of course, suffering the same fate, they walk to the pubs on a weekend, trying to replicate the feelings of summers fun and drinking the problems under the mat, each week complaining about the lack of anything happening, but still each week, like a ritual returning in hope for that one feeling, however they are misguided, this feeling they are chasing cannot be masked with alcohol, its a rouse for what is in fact a carefree lifestyle, the drink is only an inhibitor for their emotions forcing them to feel somewhat nostalgic and relate it to better times.
Truth is, all these people are unhappy and unfulfilled, the life they live, day in day out same thing, working hard for little money, living a life void of adventure or accomplishment, but rather more one of repetition and routine.
To sit and complain is the first stage of the "wells syndrome" as I've now called it, the next stage is to try and delude yourself that there is no other alternative.
See the mian problem with this place is that its not bad, and that is he trick, yes times can be bad but when the weather changes, all the in-ambitions and all the sadness of a routine life fade away behind the beaming sun, great weather and visual beauty, where as in a city when people get this feeling mostly they will either stay or just move away, but from wells there is something else, some tie to each person.
To try and describe it would be difficult but the closest thing I could make comparison to would be like that the town has threads attached to each person, you can try and leave but the treads always pull you back, you feel like your at home.
And when you have that safety its hard to break the ties unless you have a strong will.
The crime rate is very low, murder is unheard of here, and car crashes and fatal accidents are rare, the place is forgiving, and there is work around (granted not great career prospects) but you can live a slow and relaxed lifestyle here.
Anyway, this place has been for a long time a place in which I found myself in admiration of, its scenery is beautiful and lifestyle is relaxed, until recently...
I ventured out to the London expo, it was looking like I could not attend but through various lucky coincidences I managed to attend, now for those unsure EXPO is a Japanese animation and book convention, I don't read any Manga really any-more and only watch one Anime (One piece) but I go to see old friends, and catch up.
30,000 people attended this expo, needless to say it was packed full and I'd never seen so many people, I hung out with friends and spent a lot of quality time with my girlfriend who was amazing for me.
We stayed at a friends new flat in London, I was standing on his balcony which overlooks the 02 Arena, its a breathtaking view of tranquillity right next to canary wharf.
I stood and thought about what life I would like to lead, and stood thinking about if it was time to think about moving away from Wells and start living a life I want.
I got offered an opportunity, I could go and get a decent job in I.T. and live in an almost exact flat with the same view.
It was a big thing to think about, I was unsure if I could meet the criteria of the work and moving away right his second just felt strange.
It played with my brain for a bit, and then, after an amazing weekend, I returned home.
Then, another weird thing happened and I was talking to a very old friend, who has helped me set up "Project Asphalt Wave", If this project is successful I could have a vast amount of wealth in a very short period of time, and what's stranger is that I know that I can make this work.
So I've started working on it, and if all goes to plan, I can start travelling soon, and make a killing while I'm still travelling and probably afford a property too.
This is all speculation of course, and I will only know by giving it a try, so I'm going to, for the sake of wanting a better life, give this everything I've got, and if that fails I have the London job as a fall back plan, I just hope I can get this to work...
I thought I'd write a genuine post for once, honest, and clear.
Hope this post is worthy of the wait its been since my last post.
Peace you beautiful people!!
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
"A Guards Tale"
So 3 years or so ago, I started a project, named "A VX Life" Thats its code name, or project name so to speak, its a game, its real name, for the moment is "A Guards Tale" And its a PRG, where you start as a character called "Caliga" A new town guard in a sleepy port town.
I'm not going to talk about the story, because if I do you will have no reason to play it when I release my new demo.
Anyway, its got a lot of unique features that I always wanted to see in other RPG games, and
contains a lot of depth.
The graphics are that of a Snes style like zeldas "A Link ot the past" but better.
The gameplay is dynamic and not soley about batteling, however you can battle or have to in most situatuions and the battle style is that of classic RPGs *Side view turn based*.
Anyway, There are a host of characters, storys, and places to explore, no lvl grinding since equipment and training dictate stats not EXp.
I'll reveal more at a later date, at the moment I'm working through making it more dynamic with some custom systems.
(This is mostly why I have been a bit lazy with my blog updates)
I'm not going to talk about the story, because if I do you will have no reason to play it when I release my new demo.
Anyway, its got a lot of unique features that I always wanted to see in other RPG games, and
contains a lot of depth.
The graphics are that of a Snes style like zeldas "A Link ot the past" but better.
The gameplay is dynamic and not soley about batteling, however you can battle or have to in most situatuions and the battle style is that of classic RPGs *Side view turn based*.
Anyway, There are a host of characters, storys, and places to explore, no lvl grinding since equipment and training dictate stats not EXp.
I'll reveal more at a later date, at the moment I'm working through making it more dynamic with some custom systems.
(This is mostly why I have been a bit lazy with my blog updates)
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Episode 8: less talk more action.
With my fitness I'm stepping it up a gear, looking for a route I can run/bike that will have various urban obstacles that will train various parts of my body.
I'll scout for locations tomorrow if the weather is good and work out the route, then Set challenges, achievements and time trial runs so I can actively track progress!
Not much else to write about other than Friday, but I'll wait until then :D
Peace, you beautiful readers!
I'll scout for locations tomorrow if the weather is good and work out the route, then Set challenges, achievements and time trial runs so I can actively track progress!
Not much else to write about other than Friday, but I'll wait until then :D
Peace, you beautiful readers!
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Episode 7: Rebirth
I fell out of the loop, I became depressed for a short period and did a lot of sleeping etc.
Since then I went to Amecon 2010, had an amazing time, and got a girlfriend, its a push for me since I have a bit of an issue trusting people in general and more so women, but she's amazing and I think that she is worth every bit of the risk!

Its also nice to just let your feelings out for once.
Anyway, also been playing starcraft 2, and I'm lucky I have a player who is in diamond league (best league) to talk on a pro level with, I hope to start climbing the ladders soon as I finish the campaign.
bla bla bla, Phil Reminded me I had somewhat started to mistreat my blog again, so I've just got to get into the routine again!
I made it sound like I went to Amecon and instantly got a girlfriend, this is not true, its someone I've known for a considerable amount of time / hypnotized.
Since then I went to Amecon 2010, had an amazing time, and got a girlfriend, its a push for me since I have a bit of an issue trusting people in general and more so women, but she's amazing and I think that she is worth every bit of the risk!

Its also nice to just let your feelings out for once.
Anyway, also been playing starcraft 2, and I'm lucky I have a player who is in diamond league (best league) to talk on a pro level with, I hope to start climbing the ladders soon as I finish the campaign.
bla bla bla, Phil Reminded me I had somewhat started to mistreat my blog again, so I've just got to get into the routine again!
I made it sound like I went to Amecon and instantly got a girlfriend, this is not true, its someone I've known for a considerable amount of time / hypnotized.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
A grind to the finish.
Seems I have not got to worry anymore, I will not be going to China.
I'm not as annoyed about it as I thought, I've got less to think about now.
I'm not as annoyed about it as I thought, I've got less to think about now.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Episode 6: The great divide.
Ok so as you've noticed in post dates, I've been doing things this week and mostly forgot or remembered too late, to fill my blog, with the lack of comments I can never tell if anyone reads these or not, and if you do I apologize for my lack of recent updates.
At this moment I'm at a huge juncture at my life.
I have the forms ready to send off to become a Retained fire fighter, I am in the process of finalizing my business, but while all this is happening, I have something burning at the back of my mind, and thats China.
You see for a while now I've been considering going to China and living with monks and learning Shaolin Kung fu. Seems rather extreme, its not just for the martial arts that I want to go, I feel time is our life, and we are a in the sea of time, as time progresses its like swimming agents a current, at the start you can handle it, maybe swim quite easily, but as the tide changes, it gets faster and I'm fully aware that I might still be considered young (26) but I know that at some point I'd like a family and waiting until anything later than 35 is a bit risky, so, I plan to do everything I wanted to before then.
I have a chance to go this September and live with monks, why September? Well another friend of mine is also going, and having someone there that can talk Chinese and somebody to anchor me to reality would be very important.
To go, Costs £3,000, I have very little, I might be able to reach that sum MAYBE if I sold everything I own, but then I'd return to nothing.
I'm not saying I have material needs but I have some sentimental ones, and thanks to my memory loss I like to remember what I can (Reefer to my other blog called memory, its in the left hand side bar).
So I WANT to work as a fire fighter but only if I cant get the cash for China, I want to set my business up properly, but only if I cant get the funds for China.
See the hold up?
I have to make some sort of educated decision, I know that getting the funds is next to unlikely, but I also believe its my destiny to go there, so I'm wondering if I have to hold back on my other projects or just go with the flow!
What do you readers think you would do?
Make sure to check out the weekly comedy videos, Placed at the VERY bottom of the page :D(maybe I should place at top?
Tried the top but it displays weird, so it will always be the bottom, or maybe side bar, what do you think?
At this moment I'm at a huge juncture at my life.
I have the forms ready to send off to become a Retained fire fighter, I am in the process of finalizing my business, but while all this is happening, I have something burning at the back of my mind, and thats China.
You see for a while now I've been considering going to China and living with monks and learning Shaolin Kung fu. Seems rather extreme, its not just for the martial arts that I want to go, I feel time is our life, and we are a in the sea of time, as time progresses its like swimming agents a current, at the start you can handle it, maybe swim quite easily, but as the tide changes, it gets faster and I'm fully aware that I might still be considered young (26) but I know that at some point I'd like a family and waiting until anything later than 35 is a bit risky, so, I plan to do everything I wanted to before then.
I have a chance to go this September and live with monks, why September? Well another friend of mine is also going, and having someone there that can talk Chinese and somebody to anchor me to reality would be very important.
To go, Costs £3,000, I have very little, I might be able to reach that sum MAYBE if I sold everything I own, but then I'd return to nothing.
I'm not saying I have material needs but I have some sentimental ones, and thanks to my memory loss I like to remember what I can (Reefer to my other blog called memory, its in the left hand side bar).
So I WANT to work as a fire fighter but only if I cant get the cash for China, I want to set my business up properly, but only if I cant get the funds for China.
See the hold up?
I have to make some sort of educated decision, I know that getting the funds is next to unlikely, but I also believe its my destiny to go there, so I'm wondering if I have to hold back on my other projects or just go with the flow!
What do you readers think you would do?
Make sure to check out the weekly comedy videos, Placed at the VERY bottom of the page :D(maybe I should place at top?
Tried the top but it displays weird, so it will always be the bottom, or maybe side bar, what do you think?
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Episode 5: yesterday, today.
"I quickly made this last night, I wanted ot jazz up a graduation picture, graduated a few weeks back, its far from perfect but the tiny amount of time I spent of it was enjoyable if nothing else."

"So glad I'm out of uni, its full of some of the nicest people and some of the pavement scum, like to forget a lot of people from that place, anyway, I got what I set out to achieve and worked damn hard for it, a lot harder than some."
Ok I'm writing about yesterday, since I missed the chance to post, I'll fill you guys and gals in.
Anyway, yesterday well... Its hard to remember back then but I remember working most of the day, getting some amazing results and then during the hard work, dale returned from the shops with beer!
"Dale walking around like a left 4 dead zombie"

After Dale brough me Beer, I thought "Hmmm the Airconditioner is always pumping out very VERY cold air... beers need to be cold...hmmm"
"BEHOLD! The Air con beer cooler!"

After beer, we walked to the arcade and I watched Dale lose all his money trying, yet again, yo win yoshi, I filmed it but really can't be arsed to upload the video.
We came back, and Played Warzone2100 until 3am, one match, we were so close to being beaten, and at one point I thought that dale would /rage quit, however I showed him what determination could achieve, and we won!
Then I slept as as I laid in Bed shouted "BLOG!...shit..."
(I'm aware the above sentence makes no sense, I left it unedited because it made me laugh)
So its not super eventful since I had work, I'll update later today to get back on track, peace.

"So glad I'm out of uni, its full of some of the nicest people and some of the pavement scum, like to forget a lot of people from that place, anyway, I got what I set out to achieve and worked damn hard for it, a lot harder than some."
Ok I'm writing about yesterday, since I missed the chance to post, I'll fill you guys and gals in.
Anyway, yesterday well... Its hard to remember back then but I remember working most of the day, getting some amazing results and then during the hard work, dale returned from the shops with beer!
"Dale walking around like a left 4 dead zombie"

After Dale brough me Beer, I thought "Hmmm the Airconditioner is always pumping out very VERY cold air... beers need to be cold...hmmm"
"BEHOLD! The Air con beer cooler!"

After beer, we walked to the arcade and I watched Dale lose all his money trying, yet again, yo win yoshi, I filmed it but really can't be arsed to upload the video.
We came back, and Played Warzone2100 until 3am, one match, we were so close to being beaten, and at one point I thought that dale would /rage quit, however I showed him what determination could achieve, and we won!
Then I slept as as I laid in Bed shouted "BLOG!...shit..."
(I'm aware the above sentence makes no sense, I left it unedited because it made me laugh)
So its not super eventful since I had work, I'll update later today to get back on track, peace.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
EPISODE 4: Chaos emeralds, War, Heat and Grabber machine rage.
Yo, Its me, I've had an ok day, weekends are always unproductive, but thats how I plan them.
Woke, did the usual morning rituals that most people do, no interesting food related challenges were thrown at dale (He's here until Tuesday I believe) And instead spent the morning playing some Xbox and sobbing at my lack of roast dinner from parents.
(Every Sunday my parents invite me and my flat mate/best friend, Michelle, over for some home cooked lovely yummy roast dinner action, I also get to see my cat Beatrice, or BB as I call her, and as well as fattening her up, I also get to see the chickens and walk around a beautiful garden, a productive garden too mind you, potatoes, runner beans, butternut squash, tomatoes, 3 different apple trees (one is cooking apples), raspberries and of course the chickens laying eggs, its really a garden you can live off (I tend to get a lot of produce just because my parents cant eat it all!).
anyway, no delicious amazing home cooked roast this week since my parents were doing something out, I don't know what, probably driving somewhere and complaining about the insane amount of tourists that reside in Wells(the town, not actual wells as in water ones) at the moment.
So no roast freed up some time, some time to be lazy, play some Xbox and chill out with my hombre Dale.
After losing what few strands of sanity I had on street fighter 4, we then all went out to the arcade, I plaid the 2p slots trying to win small tacky teddies, then looked in awe as there was, in real life, all 8 chaos emeralds (plastic gems, but huge, like HUGE!)
To acquire a said giant amazing win gem, you have to gather 5 other gems that are in the 2p pusher machine, they are at the back of the slots so you'd need to put a lot in to win one, just one, getting 5 is damn expensive and trying to get enough to get ALL the chaos emeralds would be very very difficult.
Still want them...
After that I watched Dale lose his temper with a teddy grabber, he had put £5 in trying to win a plushy yoshi, but to no avail, actually the only productive or amusing moment that happened in the arcade was when at the top of his lungs dale shouts "BE NICE TO ME!!" to the teddy grabber.
After that little GEM of happiness ( see what I fucking did there?! DID YOU!!) We headed back home, where I sat and ate a roast dinner we cooked. it was ok actually.
Afterwards, we Spent a long time setting up Himatchi virtual lan and played some awesome Warzone 2100, it was good fun!
We failed hard to get dungeon keeper 2 to work on my PC and then decided to call it a night, tomorrow is back to work, and get my productive face on!
Tomorrow I promise to upload a picture or two from my graduation day, will be worth a few laughs!
Ok before I sleep, I wanted to just say one more thing, it will won't be relevant to everyone, so if your like "huh whats this even mean" I apologize.

Song of the day: "Goodnight by Kitsune^2" (Remixed from duck tales track "The moon" on the NES)
Woke, did the usual morning rituals that most people do, no interesting food related challenges were thrown at dale (He's here until Tuesday I believe) And instead spent the morning playing some Xbox and sobbing at my lack of roast dinner from parents.
(Every Sunday my parents invite me and my flat mate/best friend, Michelle, over for some home cooked lovely yummy roast dinner action, I also get to see my cat Beatrice, or BB as I call her, and as well as fattening her up, I also get to see the chickens and walk around a beautiful garden, a productive garden too mind you, potatoes, runner beans, butternut squash, tomatoes, 3 different apple trees (one is cooking apples), raspberries and of course the chickens laying eggs, its really a garden you can live off (I tend to get a lot of produce just because my parents cant eat it all!).
anyway, no delicious amazing home cooked roast this week since my parents were doing something out, I don't know what, probably driving somewhere and complaining about the insane amount of tourists that reside in Wells(the town, not actual wells as in water ones) at the moment.
So no roast freed up some time, some time to be lazy, play some Xbox and chill out with my hombre Dale.
After losing what few strands of sanity I had on street fighter 4, we then all went out to the arcade, I plaid the 2p slots trying to win small tacky teddies, then looked in awe as there was, in real life, all 8 chaos emeralds (plastic gems, but huge, like HUGE!)
To acquire a said giant amazing win gem, you have to gather 5 other gems that are in the 2p pusher machine, they are at the back of the slots so you'd need to put a lot in to win one, just one, getting 5 is damn expensive and trying to get enough to get ALL the chaos emeralds would be very very difficult.
Still want them...
After that I watched Dale lose his temper with a teddy grabber, he had put £5 in trying to win a plushy yoshi, but to no avail, actually the only productive or amusing moment that happened in the arcade was when at the top of his lungs dale shouts "BE NICE TO ME!!" to the teddy grabber.
After that little GEM of happiness ( see what I fucking did there?! DID YOU!!) We headed back home, where I sat and ate a roast dinner we cooked. it was ok actually.
Afterwards, we Spent a long time setting up Himatchi virtual lan and played some awesome Warzone 2100, it was good fun!
We failed hard to get dungeon keeper 2 to work on my PC and then decided to call it a night, tomorrow is back to work, and get my productive face on!
Tomorrow I promise to upload a picture or two from my graduation day, will be worth a few laughs!
Ok before I sleep, I wanted to just say one more thing, it will won't be relevant to everyone, so if your like "huh whats this even mean" I apologize.

Song of the day: "Goodnight by Kitsune^2" (Remixed from duck tales track "The moon" on the NES)
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Episode 3: Xbox, Super powers and Long island iced tea!
Today has been quick, not a lot of content to comment really.
Woke up to Dale complaining about daytime TV, and promptly challenged him for what I call "The morning 8 box attack of the north star!"
This means you need the following, a huge bowel, CHECK, a hungover dude (Dale) CHECK and happen to have a 8 box mini cereal variety pack, unopened, CHECK!!
Pour all 8 cereals into the huge bowel, mix, apply milk, and let the challenge begin!!
Needless to say, Dale failed with only a half a cup of milk or so left and collapsed to the floor in shame (Rightly so!!).
(check "Dale purchase" photos in Facebook and you'll see the mountain of sugar induced coma, that was the mighty 8!!)
Then We set up and plaid on the Xbox he had given to me, Plaid Red dead redemption and basked in laughter as I watched a drunk, then I punched a horse, and killed a few people before realizing I was in no frame of mind for a long play game.
So we switched to "King of fighters" and after I plaid what I think might be one of the slowest fighting games in history we changed to "Blaze Blue"...
I'll have to stop a second Dale just shouted from the living room, "Errrgguhghug(something like that) followed by "stupid fucking stupid cheating game stupid fuck".. made me laugh.
Then after "Blaze Blue" We plaid Street fighter 4 and again watched in awe as I failed hard at pulling off Vegas somewhat insane pattern to unleash his ultimate move... raggggeeee lobster fist!!.
Ok so after that, Headed to the arcade and busted my ass off on some DDR, since with guests round not had time to do my normal workout, so just doing what I can.
After DDR, not a lot happened, watched some bad TV, no idea why, then Did little things on my PC, now eating half a Pizza since in my new health plan I try to cut food intake down, so chop pizzas into sections then just heat individually when needed saving cooking a whole pizza!
After a break at home me and dale went for a walk, I explained what the tourists were doing "Gilling or crabbing" (Basically fishing for crabs, no innuendos please!)
Then sat and did the generic "talk about really heavy subjects" thing, like human race, death, and crab battles.
Relevant song:
Now drinking a "long island iced tea", "How do I make one?" I hear you ask, ok

So, sitting here, drinking the iced tea, eating a little pizza debating if I should go out tonight, if I do I'll have to get my drinks bought for me again as I'm poor, good job some people like me enough to get me them or I'd be sober all the time!
Just one more thing, What do YOU the readers, think I should add to the blog, any features that you think I might be missing?
Woke up to Dale complaining about daytime TV, and promptly challenged him for what I call "The morning 8 box attack of the north star!"
This means you need the following, a huge bowel, CHECK, a hungover dude (Dale) CHECK and happen to have a 8 box mini cereal variety pack, unopened, CHECK!!
Pour all 8 cereals into the huge bowel, mix, apply milk, and let the challenge begin!!
Needless to say, Dale failed with only a half a cup of milk or so left and collapsed to the floor in shame (Rightly so!!).
(check "Dale purchase" photos in Facebook and you'll see the mountain of sugar induced coma, that was the mighty 8!!)
Then We set up and plaid on the Xbox he had given to me, Plaid Red dead redemption and basked in laughter as I watched a drunk, then I punched a horse, and killed a few people before realizing I was in no frame of mind for a long play game.
So we switched to "King of fighters" and after I plaid what I think might be one of the slowest fighting games in history we changed to "Blaze Blue"...
I'll have to stop a second Dale just shouted from the living room, "Errrgguhghug(something like that) followed by "stupid fucking stupid cheating game stupid fuck".. made me laugh.
Then after "Blaze Blue" We plaid Street fighter 4 and again watched in awe as I failed hard at pulling off Vegas somewhat insane pattern to unleash his ultimate move... raggggeeee lobster fist!!.
Ok so after that, Headed to the arcade and busted my ass off on some DDR, since with guests round not had time to do my normal workout, so just doing what I can.
After DDR, not a lot happened, watched some bad TV, no idea why, then Did little things on my PC, now eating half a Pizza since in my new health plan I try to cut food intake down, so chop pizzas into sections then just heat individually when needed saving cooking a whole pizza!
After a break at home me and dale went for a walk, I explained what the tourists were doing "Gilling or crabbing" (Basically fishing for crabs, no innuendos please!)
Then sat and did the generic "talk about really heavy subjects" thing, like human race, death, and crab battles.
Relevant song:
Now drinking a "long island iced tea", "How do I make one?" I hear you ask, ok

So, sitting here, drinking the iced tea, eating a little pizza debating if I should go out tonight, if I do I'll have to get my drinks bought for me again as I'm poor, good job some people like me enough to get me them or I'd be sober all the time!
Just one more thing, What do YOU the readers, think I should add to the blog, any features that you think I might be missing?
Friday, 16 July 2010
EPISODE 2: Buddha Beer, Norwich, Xbox and Pirates.
Ok, Today has been interesting, Woke up and watched some rather bland TV and realized that TV is essentially you staring at a plastic box, occasionally laughing or whatever throughout the duration of the experience.
Problems with that are:
A) Very counter productive
B) Have adverts every 5 seconds telling me why I'm inferior, ugly or need a product to "enhance" my life. (Most of this is just shit, advertised shitly and adding phrases like "hydro active" to beauty products, Hydro active, what so it works with water... how very clever, we send a man to the moon and you creat something that either contains or reacts with water... like salt...)
C) In most cases TV results in no movement, so you get no exercise.
So anyway, the reasons I'll watch TV are:
A) Bad dramas (if SO insanely bored that I can't sleep but need to put my life on hybernate for a little while)
B) Documentaries, I love learning stuff, mainly about the world, the planet earth series is amazing.
"Caves" (There was a full length video on youtube but I could only find a 5 part one, enjoy)
C) To play video games, almost as bad but not as counter productive.
Anyway after TV I travelled to Norwich:
View Larger Map
And picked up, Rizel, or Dale, however you know him.
We ate a BK (mine was gross, my body is rejecting fatty foods now :( ) and traveled back home.
I was given an Xbox, Rizel had bought the new sparkley one last night and decided to kindly give his old one to me, I appreciate it very much since I've never had one, a bunch of games to borrow and a massive stack of unmade pirates.
What pirates TCG is:
Anyway its a strategy game where you construct ships form cards, so that was a welcome sight, more ships to make!
And lastly, and I don't know how I forgot to mention this, but we also bought some beer from Asda in Norwich, A beer called "Lucky" Its a Chinese imported beer, where the bottle is shaped like Buddha!! (and as some might know, I'm somewhat a neo Buddhist)
It tastes good, but we are about to go polish off a lot of bottles of "Sol" too, so I thought instead of waiting for illegible typing of the drunk nature, I thought I'd post now!
So I might reply later if I'm not too drunk.
Problems with that are:
A) Very counter productive
B) Have adverts every 5 seconds telling me why I'm inferior, ugly or need a product to "enhance" my life. (Most of this is just shit, advertised shitly and adding phrases like "hydro active" to beauty products, Hydro active, what so it works with water... how very clever, we send a man to the moon and you creat something that either contains or reacts with water... like salt...)
C) In most cases TV results in no movement, so you get no exercise.
So anyway, the reasons I'll watch TV are:
A) Bad dramas (if SO insanely bored that I can't sleep but need to put my life on hybernate for a little while)
B) Documentaries, I love learning stuff, mainly about the world, the planet earth series is amazing.
"Caves" (There was a full length video on youtube but I could only find a 5 part one, enjoy)
C) To play video games, almost as bad but not as counter productive.
Anyway after TV I travelled to Norwich:
View Larger Map
And picked up, Rizel, or Dale, however you know him.
We ate a BK (mine was gross, my body is rejecting fatty foods now :( ) and traveled back home.
I was given an Xbox, Rizel had bought the new sparkley one last night and decided to kindly give his old one to me, I appreciate it very much since I've never had one, a bunch of games to borrow and a massive stack of unmade pirates.
What pirates TCG is:
Anyway its a strategy game where you construct ships form cards, so that was a welcome sight, more ships to make!
And lastly, and I don't know how I forgot to mention this, but we also bought some beer from Asda in Norwich, A beer called "Lucky" Its a Chinese imported beer, where the bottle is shaped like Buddha!! (and as some might know, I'm somewhat a neo Buddhist)
It tastes good, but we are about to go polish off a lot of bottles of "Sol" too, so I thought instead of waiting for illegible typing of the drunk nature, I thought I'd post now!
So I might reply later if I'm not too drunk.

Thursday, 15 July 2010
Episode 1: Discovery
The winds blow strong, as one world died another was born (Replace the word, "World", with "Blog") in the flames of destruction came the seeds of creation, and thus, this world was born.
Hey, its me, Kikojui, I know its been too long since the last posts, and rather than trying to bring back what is now a mere shell of a blog back to life, I thought, as in a lot of things in life a fresh start, a rebirth, was in order. I cast the old blog into the murky depths of the Internet, and fabricated a lifeline to those that wish to browse the post's of old, the links can be found to the left.
Anyway, a new start, and this means more than just frequent updates (daily), it also means posts won't be as pointless, I want to engage the readers while not only trying to teach people my own distorted views on this life, but also take in what I can learn form others to increase my knowledge and better myself.
Current underlying Plots:
If you see these titles, you know what its about with this less than handy guide:
"Strength of body"
My Quest to make my body fitter, healthy and stronger, so any mention of this plot is related to this subject.
"The Business Warlord"
In the later stages of setting up my own business in digital art, graphic design and web design.
"Quest for enlightenment"
I'm currently trying to raise three thousand pounds so that I can fund a year long stay with shaolin monks, to better my body and mind.
"A Guards Tale"
My RPG game that I've been working on for a few years now, coming on good.
"Winds of Fate"
This is basically on about my general quest for happiness and achievements in life.
ok, so now we are clear, I'll look forward to posting tomorrow!
"The Business Warlord"
Been working on a clients work most of the day, had good results, only bad thing is that I had no time to really exercise today and I can't make a habit of not doing that!
Since my last posts, some 8 months ago, I've been working on this business "Rocket Punch Design" and also my game "A Guards Tale", both have undergone a huge amount of working and reworking, I'm the kinda guy to make something, then rework it maybe even alter concepts until what I have is nothing short of refined perfection!
I still keep active on Facebook, mainly because with my working out and working in general I rarely see anyone, so I use it as my hub of conversation, that and Skype and MSN of course, Skype is preferred since I can work and talk at once.
So life's been dull really, I like the changes my body is going through thanks to the exercising, and appreciate the benefits I've had since I've changed my diet, stopped smoking and generally dragged myself out of the dirt... maybe there is hope for me yet!
Video of the day is also the song of the day:
"Passage D" by "The flashbulb"
Comments always welcome, and often referred to if interesting.
Hey, its me, Kikojui, I know its been too long since the last posts, and rather than trying to bring back what is now a mere shell of a blog back to life, I thought, as in a lot of things in life a fresh start, a rebirth, was in order. I cast the old blog into the murky depths of the Internet, and fabricated a lifeline to those that wish to browse the post's of old, the links can be found to the left.
Anyway, a new start, and this means more than just frequent updates (daily), it also means posts won't be as pointless, I want to engage the readers while not only trying to teach people my own distorted views on this life, but also take in what I can learn form others to increase my knowledge and better myself.
Current underlying Plots:
If you see these titles, you know what its about with this less than handy guide:
"Strength of body"
My Quest to make my body fitter, healthy and stronger, so any mention of this plot is related to this subject.
"The Business Warlord"
In the later stages of setting up my own business in digital art, graphic design and web design.
"Quest for enlightenment"
I'm currently trying to raise three thousand pounds so that I can fund a year long stay with shaolin monks, to better my body and mind.
"A Guards Tale"
My RPG game that I've been working on for a few years now, coming on good.
"Winds of Fate"
This is basically on about my general quest for happiness and achievements in life.
ok, so now we are clear, I'll look forward to posting tomorrow!
"The Business Warlord"
Been working on a clients work most of the day, had good results, only bad thing is that I had no time to really exercise today and I can't make a habit of not doing that!
Since my last posts, some 8 months ago, I've been working on this business "Rocket Punch Design" and also my game "A Guards Tale", both have undergone a huge amount of working and reworking, I'm the kinda guy to make something, then rework it maybe even alter concepts until what I have is nothing short of refined perfection!
I still keep active on Facebook, mainly because with my working out and working in general I rarely see anyone, so I use it as my hub of conversation, that and Skype and MSN of course, Skype is preferred since I can work and talk at once.
So life's been dull really, I like the changes my body is going through thanks to the exercising, and appreciate the benefits I've had since I've changed my diet, stopped smoking and generally dragged myself out of the dirt... maybe there is hope for me yet!
Video of the day is also the song of the day:
"Passage D" by "The flashbulb"
Comments always welcome, and often referred to if interesting.
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